Saturday, March 31, 2007

Is it all relative?

whats wrong with things being absolute?

why not be content with whatever you have or are?

the freelance hellraiser

I was asked by a friend to find the whereabouts of a song "want you to know". I didnt know anything much about the song other than you can listen to it So I browsed through the site, and found their jukebox. I listened to the song and I liked it.

My friend suggested that the song must have been downloaded into the temp files of internet explorer. At first i thought that the site admins must have taken that into account to stop illegal downloading from their own site. But I checked it and it was right there in my Temporary Internet Files folder. The admins hadnt managed to cover up the streamed audio.

To get that song, go to and listen to any of their song.

then Go to (windows installation partition)\Documents and Settings\(windows user account name)\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files

sort the files by "Last Accessed" and near the end of that folder, you'll find a file named track(a 2 digit tracknumber).mp3

the (tracknumber) will be a two-digit number of the track from the playlist on

Simply copy the file from that folder and place it anywhere you like.


I also found another way.. Its simpler.

To download any of their songs, just go to where track number is the number of the track from the playlist on their site.

NOTE: The track number is in 2 digits i.e. for the first song "want you to know", use tracknumber as 01

For example, the link for the song "want you to know" is

Use a download manager, to save the above link onto your computer.

NOTE: The above procedure should not be used for any illegal purpose. The user is himself/herself responsible for any way he/she uses the content on the site.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

The 'keep it scecret' funda

I've been in DCE for approx 3 yrs now.. and since the 2nd sem, I have observed the 'keep it secret' funda in DCE. The deep sense of competition, which is expected to have a positive effect has had a real damaging effect on us dceites..

At DCE, its been a common practice to hide stuff from your classmates/batchmates.. sometimes even seniors.. people work alone and in secret.. with the philosophy that lesser the people who have the information about an opportunity, lesser the competition..

And the type of info that people hide.. is so petty.. its sometimes laughable.. whether its a good book on a subject (whose questions might appear in exams) or photostat notes of some senior/classmate.. a hint by the teacher that a particular ques might be there in exam or info whether a particular topic is in syllabus... an opportunity to apply for an internship/training or some previous years placement paper (i assumed people wud be doing that)... the projects that one is doing or the syllabus they have gone through for the test.. This is not the complete list.. there can be a zillion more examples..

And i m almost equally guilty of the same as the rest of dceites... it was done to me and i returned the favor.. and so the evil practice continued..

I used to think that I m the only who hated it (but does it).. but yesterday, when going thru the kshitij sudan's 'guide to sensible apping' I got to know that there are other dceites who hate it too.. I dont know how to end this.. I dont even know how to start ending this.. but I really hope it does come to an end some day.. And if someone has any ideas how to get rid of the practice, pls let me know..n maybe we can work together to put it to an end..

Friday, March 16, 2007

Dinosaurs and Operating systems

I have been reading the book "operating system principles" by Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne for my mid sems.. and everywhere in the book, there are pictures of dinosaurs. Even on the cover page. there's a dinosaur. Its not just the 7th edition.. there are different photographs of dinosaurs in different editions of the book.

I have spent more time on figuring out the relationship between OS n dinosaurs than I have spent in the content of the book. And still I have not been able to solve the mystery.. Anyone help me out?

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


A lot of bad things happen to a lot of people. Although the reaction to such fiascos vary from person to person, the way the world responds can be divided into a few fixed types.

Some sympathize with you, but no one realizes that you may not want sympathy as it may weaken you even more.

People give you false hope thinking it might make you feel better.. and it might if you dont see through them. But that didnt work for me. Rather it made me furious thinking they might consider me stupid if they want me to believe the crap they are saying..

Another famous technique is to quote examples of people who've had similar problems. The ones that get through the hurdles are forced as examples to others.. but no one really knows the complete picture there. If something worked for someone, its not necessary that it'll work for you. It may sound a bit pessimistic but I really feel that once you start looking how others managed things, you are not able to analyse 'your' the problem objectively. Problems might be the same, but situations are generally unique.

A not-so-close-person might be able to help more than someone who is close to you. Coz he doesnt have to take care of your feelings..

For me, the best were people who help me find real alternatives to the problem and help me digest the failure.

This is the reason that I am awkward in such situations. Most people (at least among those around me) were comforted by the compromising ideas. But I am a bit more direct.. correspondingly I am labelled 'without feeling' or 'hard'.