Friday, March 16, 2007

Dinosaurs and Operating systems

I have been reading the book "operating system principles" by Silberschatz, Galvin and Gagne for my mid sems.. and everywhere in the book, there are pictures of dinosaurs. Even on the cover page. there's a dinosaur. Its not just the 7th edition.. there are different photographs of dinosaurs in different editions of the book.

I have spent more time on figuring out the relationship between OS n dinosaurs than I have spent in the content of the book. And still I have not been able to solve the mystery.. Anyone help me out?


kartik saxena said...

in my edition.... they have compared the evolution of computers with that of dinosaurs.. so maybe thats the reason..

i may be wrong too!!

Builder said...

so that means.. the author believes that some day operating systems will be entinct..

soup said...

arre d author means tht like d dinosaurs who died coz of the meteor...ankur shall design a phhadu sa OS named "meteor" and tht'll be the end of all other OS!!!

IT Rockers said...

our lecturer ask us to find out the reason of epiloging dianosaurs and all of us are in the search away.hahaha

prakhar said...

It was written on that in 1985 there were OS wars going on at the time when its first edition was launched...Its similar to the concept of the prehistoric times when dinosaurs, as huge as the concepts of OS, were fighting for the survival. And at last the animals that survived are the ones that were not huge but the fittest and capable of adapting to changing environment.